With the redesign of Stop & Shop stores underway, we became involved with many in-store decor design projects. One of the first was to create a system of stylized wall art to add color and interest to the perimeter walls. Several illustration and photographic styles were explored. This style was selected because of it’s simplicity and it plays off an icon library that we developed of over 500 icons for Stop & Shop.



We created an icon library for Stop & Shop of over 500 icons. These can now be found in print materials, point-of-purchase displays, digital marketing and through the Stop & Shop “Scan it!” app.

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With the rapid expansion of the Stop & Shop brand, all newly designed stores needed some local flavor. We designed logos that are unique to each store, connected to local iconic landmarks. Starting with 21 logos for the Hartford CT stores, we then moved on to Long Island with an additional 21 stores. These logos can be found throughout each store; in the lobby, on the cart corrals, on shopping bags, receipts and more.



With the success of the local store logos, we created a small series for the local Cape Cod stores. These logo were printed on reusable bags and feature illustrate maps of each island.
